AMERICA/MEXICO - March for Life: “True laicism is that which listens to reason, not one that is dominated by irrational imposition of a political nature.”

Monday, 23 June 2008

Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) – “We place ourselves at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe to thank her for the gift of life and reaffirm the truth of human life, in a world that ignores what science has proven: that the life of an embryo is human from the moment of conception until the last second of its earthly existence. This is the truth that we should announce to society and it is the truth that we must defend, with the clarity of reason, in the face of the legal dilemmas that a pluralistic society places on the discussion table and on people’s consciences.” These were the words of Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, Archbishop of Mexico City, in his homily given during a Mass on June 22, in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, during the celebration of the Great March for Life (see Fides 19/6/2008).
About 3,000 people from some 65 organizations, as well as priests and religious, participated in the March-Pilgrimage. The event was held as part of the peaceful demonstrations that are going on while the Supreme Court holds public audiences to analyze the law that decriminalizes abortion in Mexico City. For three hours, the participants in the March prayed the Rosary for the defense of Life and at 12 noon, Mass was held in the Basilica.
Cardinal Rivera stated that “this proclamation does not come from arrogance, or from a desire to impose our own ideas on others,” but rather, it comes from “the certainty that the truth is the foundation for society.” He also recalled that “true laicism is that which listens to reason, not one that is dominated by irrational imposition of a political nature. He said that the Christian “only asks that his voice be heard without prejudices that disregard it ahead of time.” The Christian only wants to be heard, “with the respect that truths that come from convictions, deserve. He wants to be respected in his right to defend his perspectives with rationality, tolerance, and respect.”
He also mentions that “the offenses to human life end up seriously injuring those who carry them out and unfortunately, those who are their victims.”
The Cardinal says that “the promotion of the gift of life is not only limited to the painful drama of abortion.” There is another painful plight in Mexican society, i.e. organized violence, “that takes its toll on innocent persons, kidnapped out of a lack of respect for human life and the right to freedom that every human being has.” In this regards, the Cardinal finds it “worrisome that society does not react with ethical and civil courage in the face of these harmful acts and that it does not directly oppose those who continue, without facing consequences, to take advantage of the pain and of the lives of hundreds of people.”
The Archbishop of Mexico City concluded his homily by asking that all people may “exercise their right to argue, using reasons and legal means, that human life should be defended and protected from the first instance of its existence.” And he asked Our Lady of Guadalupe to “enlighten those who must decide over the lives of other Mexicans, so that they may act in courage, justice, and wisdom, in deciding in conformity with the truth.” (RG) (Agenzia Fides 23/6/2008)
