Bissau (Fides Service )- “The common good must be given first place by political parties”. This was the sense of an intervention by Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon, Tomaz da Silva Nunes, at a Conference “Ethics and Politics ”held within the framework of the 5th meeting of Portuguese Speaking Bishops’ Conferences taking place in Bissau (see Fides 15 January 2004).
A statement issued by the Bissau diocese Commission for Social Communications said the Conference was attended by about 300 people including leaders of local political parties. In his intervention Bishop Nunes said it was necessary to increase citizens’ participation in the life of society and to promote cooperation between the civil society and religious communities.
“Politics are not only elections. Politics are also citizenship” said the next speaker Bishop Antonio Queiroz Catanduva (Brazil), who illustrated projects sponsored by the Brazilian Bishops’ Conference to increase citizens’ awareness with regard to the social pact which is the foundation of all democracies.
Bishop Paulino Do Livramento Évora of Cape Verde, highlighted the role played by the Catholic Church on the continent of Africa in the field of education and formation of consciences and he reminded his audience that “missionaries have always sought to make both men and women aware of their dignity and role in society ”. (L.M.) (Fides Service 20/1/2004, lines 23 words 237)